- Jay의 영어공부 일기
- 2023. 1. 2.
The food was stupid good.
stupid good = very good.
*stupid :'바보'라는 뜻 외에 '미쳤다, 굉장하다'와 같은 뜻도 있음.
(올리버쌤의 영어회화 일력 365)
*be stupid of A (to do): (~하다니) A(사람)은 바보다.
It was stupid of me to argue with my boss.
상사와 말다툼을 하다니 내가 어리석었다.
*How stupid! : 바보같이!
Oh! I left my umbrella on the train! How stupid!
아, 우산을 기차에 두고 내렸어! 이런 바보!
(영어 콜로케이션 사전)
-Taking the high road is exhaustiong.
순탄하게 사는 건 참 힘드네요.
*take the high road: 순탄한 길을 가다, 확실한 길을 택하다, 올바른 행동을 취하다
-That was all rhetorical.
그건 다 수사적인 표현이었어요.
*rhetorical : 수사적인, 수사 의문문의
튜터링 전화영어 수업내용 복습
model (MOD-l)
Nike (NAHY-kee)
encourage (en-KUR-ij)
cheer someone on [verb] - to shout loudly in order to encourage someone in a competition.
example: As the runners went by, we cheered them on.
cheer up과 구분하기.
YOU SAID: He write down his goals every morning and night.
BETTER: He writes down his goals every morning and night.
-주어와 동사의 수일치
아직도 왜 틀리는 걸까?
YOU SAID: He isn't athlete but his dream is became Nike model.
BETTER: He wasn't/isn't an athlete but his dream was to become a Nike model.
-관사, 비동사 다음에 또 동사를 말함.
and I have to can say what is different 'his dream is became Nike model.' and 'his dream is becoming Nicke model.'
YOU SAID: I have question.
BETTER: I have a question.
YOU SAID: Is every Philippines fluent speak in English?
BETTER: Is every Filipino fluent in English?/ Does every Filipino speak English fluently?
- Filipino, 의문문 주의
(전화영어 튜터링 수업내용)
<관련 포스팅>
전화영어 튜터링 내돈내산 후기 (전화영어 2년 이상 사용 후기) (tistory.com)
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